Joliet Family Law Mediation Attorney

Lawyer for Mediation in Divorce and Family Law Cases in Will County
Mediation is a process used by lawyers and their clients to come to a mutual understanding in family law matters such as divorce, allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody), child support, maintenance and parenting time (visitation). Often, mediation is used when there is a difference of opinion between two parents regarding the children's well-being. As a matter of fact, before a couple can take a custody or visitation issue to a judge in Will County, they are required to enter into mediation to at least attempt to hammer out the details of their issue outside of court.
For example, if one party has his/her lawyer file for temporary parental responsibilities and the other party disagrees with this motion, the court will send them both to mediation prior to hearing the case. As an unbiased mediator, lawyer Erin O'Brien listens to both parties to discover their genuine intentions. If the parties can agree, then she will report this to the court to save time and money for all involved. If they can't agree, the court will decide on the matter.
Going Beyond Mediation
Mediation can be successful, but it is not without its pitfalls. Family law cases inherently come with a lot of psychological baggage, and often times, mediation can spark feelings of anger, bitterness, spite and jealousy. When these emotions come into play, many people have a hard time making rational decisions regarding their families. That's why having a skilled mediator like Erin O'Brien is so critical.
Erin Webster O'Brien, P.C., is a recommended referral mediation lawyer in Will County and has worked with numerous couples to come to satisfactory conclusions regarding division of property/assets, child support, child custody, and more. She knows how to handle the high emotions involved in family law cases and is proficient at creating a neutral legal environment for both parties in order to facilitate successful mediations.
Contact Our Joliet Divorce Mediation Lawyer
Ms. O'Brien can also help parties who are seeking voluntary mediation for family law cases. Sometimes, having an impartial legal representative can help relieve stress and bring about a solution when former spouses are at a crossroads, particularly in matters relating to the upbringing of children. If you're experiencing a stalemate with your child's parent, call 815-727-2100 or contact us online to set up a consultation today.